Our comprehensive financial planning and investment management provides an initial complete financial plan and regular updates to reflect a client’s personal circumstances, tax law changes and the economic environment.  The ongoing portfolio management and reporting considers the overall asset allocation that fits a client’s needs and is also done in the most tax-efficient manner.

This service includes the following:

  • Retirement planning and income strategies including amounts to save for and withdraw during retirement
  • Education and other special goal planning
  • Cost effective insurance and risk management
  • Tax efficient estate planning and wealth transfer
  • Assessment of risk tolerance and time horizon when recommending an asset allocation
  • TD Ameritrade or Charles Schwab as custodians for assets managed by us
  • Include employer 401k/403b plans to utilize best, lowest-cost choices only and get other asset classes in TD/Schwab accounts
  • Prudent use of options – always covered either by underlying security or cash – if the client is interested
  • Monthly reporting of investment performance to custom benchmarks and current allocation

The client retains ownership and title of the assets being managed, and trading authority is granted to Pebble Valley Wealth Management.

This service requires a minimum balance of $400,000 and fees start at 1.00% per year on assets managed with lower marginal fee tiers for larger balances.

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